Weight Loss Surgery

Dietetic principles

How to eat

The first month

Split the food catches in 3 meals plus 2 collations, do not drink water during the meals, mix or crush ham, meat or fish in order to obtain a semi-fluid consistency or tender.

For example :

  • Morning: coffee or tea, a dairy produce (natural yoghourt) and a toast.
  • 10 AM : a half-compote with less possible sugar.
  • Lunch: mixed ham 40g, 3 soup spoon of mixed green vegetables, small fruit juice glass.
  • 4 PM : a soft white cheese, a toast.
  • Dinner : une purée de pommes de terre, 20g de fromage, 60g de fruit écrasé.


After the first month


  • Tea rather than of the coffee, plus a vegetal protein and an animal protein.
  • Vegetal protein : Toast or cereal (corn flakes, rice crispies…)
  • Animal protein : natural yoghourt rather than milk, or an egg.

First collation at 10 AM, non obligatory

A season fresh fruit peeled. If this fruit does not pass, drink a natural fruit juice.


  • Crudenesses if possible
    Simple crudeness rather that composed crudeness, with in seasoning of fresh the lemon juice, olive oil, fresh aromatics, onion, garlic…
  • Animal protein
    • Fish : privilege fatty fish mainly for cardiac problems, the regular fatty fish consumption reducing the cardiovascular risks of diseases. The ideal of the cooking of fish is with vapor 5 to 10 minutes, but also poached, roasted…
    • Meat: (after a gastric banding, it is not rare that they do not pass well) favorise thin meat cuts.
    • Poultries without skin.
    • Egg.
    • Degreased ham.
  • Vegetables (if you are still hungry !)
    Fresh green vegetables cooked with vapor.
  • Compote or fresh fruit
    Home made compote without sugar added cooked to minima
    Or little sweetened sherbet.

With crudeness + animal protein ( fish), the lunch is completely balanced.

Second collation at 4 PM, non obligatory

A natural yoghourt

Or a fresh fruit juice.


It must be taken as soon as possible, ideally 3 hours before going to bed.

It must be poor, thin, using plant proteins rather than animal proteins, plant proteins being easier and more rapids to be digested.


  • Crudenesses or green vegetable possibly soups (potato, carrots, turnip and other vegetable mixed…).
  • Vegetal proteins 
    The ideal is the association of a dry vegetable and a complete or semi-complete cereal.

    • Dry vegetables: lenses, broad beans, soya beans, flageolets…
    • Céréals : rice, pastes, corn or bread.
  • Compote or fruit
    If you are always hungry, a home made compote without sugar added or a cooked fruit.